Chrissy Feldman

Production Credits

Production Manager High School Musical
Stage Manager Drinking Alone
Assistant Stage Manager Proof
You’ll Get Used To It – The War Show
Shrek The Musical Jr.
Dresser Coordinator Mary Poppins
Set Painter Ethan Claymore
High School Musical
Continuity Dancing at Lughnasa
Properties The Uninvited
Rock and Roll
Disney’s The Jungle Book KIDS
Properties Assistant Proof
Dance Instructor Dancing at Lughnasa
Publicity Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Night Sky
The Lion in Winter
Publicity Assistant The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon
4000 Miles
Radium Girls
Mary Poppins
Cat’s Cradle
The Odd Couple
Calendar Girls
The Last Romance
High School Musical
Set Construction. Shrek The Musical Jr.